RAP policy in government and the NHS

Introduction #

Note that much of the material on this page is reproduced verbatim from sources that are licensed under OGL and MIT, therefore links are provided to the source material in all cases.

RAP is becoming a widely known term, but for the sake of clarity it can be simply described as

a process in which code is used to minimise manual, undocumented steps, and a clear, properly documented process is produced in code which can reliably give the same result from the same dataset.

The Goldacre review’s summary recommendation 17 states that RAPs should be

the core working practice that must be supported by all platforms and teams; make this a core focus of NHS analyst training.

Levels of RAP #

Within the NHS Digital RAP community of practice there are three levels of RAP given:

  • Baseline - RAP fundamentals offering resilience against future change
  • Silver - Implementing best practice by following good analytical and software engineering standards
  • Gold - Analysis as a product to further elevate your analytical work and enhance its reusability to the public

These are summarised following.

Baseline RAP #

Silver RAP #

Gold RAP #

  • Code is fully packaged.
  • Repository automatically runs tests etc. via CI/CD or a different integration/deployment tool e.g. GitHub Actions.
  • Process runs based on event-based triggers (e.g., new data in database) or on a schedule.
  • Changes to the RAP are clearly signposted. E.g. a changelog in the package, releases etc. (See gov.uk info on Semantic Versioning)

Appendix: Source materials #