Advancing Analytics

Advancing Analytics in the NHS #

Defining strategic analytics and career pathways for healthcare analysts

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Characteristics of a high functioning analytical team #

  • Is clear that their key role is to enhance the quality of the decision making process
  • Has critical problem formulation skills- to help them engage with decision makers to ensure the right questions are being addressed
  • Is technically proficient across the range of analytical project ‘types’ and able to apply these to the questions at hand
  • Is aware of its own limitations and establishes collaborative partnerships to supplement this
  • Is able to influence the decision-making processes by providing reliable, relevant, well communicated analyses to decision makers to ensure decision quality
  • Is dedicated to research and sharing knowledge; producing replicable work and evidencing new ways of working
  • Is well-versed in the healthcare context in which it operates

Analytical projects typology #

flowchart TB PS(Problem structuring) DM(Data management) subgraph Analysis DA(Descriptive analytics) EA(Explicative analytics) PA(Predictive analytics) PRA(Prescriptive analytics) EVA(Evaluative analytics) end PS-->DM DM-->Analysis Analysis-->CR(Communicating results) CR-->DQ(Enhancing decision quality)

Example projects by type #

Descriptive #

Explicative #

Prescriptive #

Evaluative #