In defence of looking at jobs
By chrisbeeley
Nobody should ever have to apologise for looking at jobs, however settled they are. Looking at jobs just means one of:
- there might be a better job out there and I want to find it if there is
- I want to understand what skills people are recruiting so I can learn and do the right stuff
- I’m interested in the jobs and skills that are popular now because I want to understand the playing field of human resources in analytics as an actual or potential leader
- I want to understand my worth under agenda for change to I can advocate for the development of my professional role (and my salary
) in my current role
Any manager that doesn’t like that is a fool, a charlatan, a psychopath, or all three, and then you can add:
5. My line manager is a fool, charlatan, or a psychopath (or all three), and I am trying to leave my current job as fast as possible now I have realised this